Rig is too old to let in campgrounds?

Started by 77Chieftain, November 07, 2008, 02:50 PM

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Sent: 1/25/2003 10:44 AM

Hi everyone, I was planning to go into a full hook ups place for a month or so to see what it will be like to stay for a long period of time in my RV.

I couldn't find any place because my rig is too old and I only could stay on a daily rate and no more than a week. They also told me that only newer motor homes no more than ten years old can stay for months at the time and that was for five places that I called around here, Central Coast California.

1) Is this a nation wide thing?

2) Do you guys new this or are just the selected spots along CA?

3) If I want to move into my rig and leave full time in it because I been inspire by Mel Gibson on Lethal Weapon 2, or the Rockford Files or I can?t afford rent in the Copper State, what kind of place should I look for long term parking? Any ideas?


Sent: 1/25/2003 10:57 AM

Sounds like another California "thing" to me.  I never have had that problem.
"A man is no fool who gives up the things he cannot keep to gain the things he cannot lose."


Sent: 1/25/2003 2:12 PM

I've never stayed more than two nights in any one place - would like to know more though. Did they refer to any state law or municipal law?
I also remember, and not fondly, that of the 35 or so states I have driven into, California is the only one where I was required to stop at the state line for inspection/questions. Checking the underside bottom for gypsy moths was fine, but I wasn't pleased to have the CHP ask me where I was going and how long I planned to stay. Welcome Center Calif. style. The last time was 9 years ago - Do they still do that? denison


Sent: 1/25/2003 3:45 PM

Ive heard of this, Quite common in upper class parks in the USA & Canada.  Some parks are very rigid in there age rules and wont let you park if your rig is older than 10 or 15 years. others will look at your rig and make exceptions if you have a classic AIRSTREAM or WINNEBAGO that is restored & in excellent shape.
I have yet to run into one of these places , but the way I look at it is if they are so snobbish I would rather park anywhere but at there park!


Sent: 1/25/2003 4:29 PM

We have found this happening in Mass we have a 1975 winnie and a 1984 Pace Arrow state campgrounds cannot turn you away only limit you to 2 weeks in this state I have a pretty good looking winnie and have had FMCA people drool over it and ask questions  We have a back porch for the beach stuff and they will ask my husband stupid questions like did that come thru from the factory (4x4 ) that is and Dave says no I built the porch myself.  We went to Hatteras 2 yrs ago in the Pace and stayed at 4 campgrounds and no problems with the age see what happens this fall on return trip the jeep we tow is only 4 years newer to hell with these people Beach


Sent: 1/26/2003 1:48 AM

same in southern Ca. too


Sent: 1/26/2003 11:02 AM

Indeed, another California thing, it is probably better that way, the real enjoyment on traveling is to be on the road after all.


Sent: 1/26/2003 11:15 AM

Hi Denison they didn't really refer to any state or municipal laws, I think that they just do it to select their clientele. I have no problem with that; every business has the right to choose their market. But these places that I went they are not the ?High Class? places packed with diesel pushers and the pink Cadillac towed behind. These are the average RV parks and just because they are located here in California; must precisely in Pismo Beach Capital of White Litter vacationers of the Central Coast they are too used to do what they want with people, nothing that a bit of state economic crisis won?t fix!


Sent: 1/26/2003 11:29 AM

Hi myk if you come this way you will run into these places! The prices will shock you, Pismo Beach is a place where every one comes thinking of the beauty of our coast and our people but after one hour they end up in the only Motel 6 for $60.00 bucks a night looking at the map to see witch is the shorter way out of there for the next morning. Thanks to God there is an AMPM in the gas station next to the Motel where you can buy your self a lottery ticket and try to put your deception with the place, somewhere else.


Sent: 1/27/2003 12:41 AM

sounds to me like we all need to by the classic license plates and put them on our rigs. That seems to work for old cars.Speaking of which, license plates, not old cars, where can I go to find the Winnebago Classic Plates. I saw them on one of the rigs, in the pictures, on the site. I have one more question. for the group or group leader. Since I am new to this group and I don't quite understand how it works; and I am a woman, more interested in the, shall we say, aesthetics, part of the restoration. is there a woman's section to this group. I would like to add some pictures of my inside restorations. (none of the scratches and dents, I have added) Also, I have a picture and some towels and accessories that I sew and embroidery,directed to the camper and especially the Winnie. I would like to show those. Is there a special place I could show those.There is just one picture and actually I don't have any towels made up right now. But I don't want to put up something I shouldn't. I think some of you might like the picture,it really looks cute hanging in my Winnie.( Bet that really excites all you guys) Thanks for your help and directions. Connie G in Colorado, where we don't discriminate against older campers.


Sent: 1/27/2003 7:16 AM

I would post your pictures in the photo album with your winnebago.  Everyone on this site is always up for new ideas and would not discriminate the things or dreams you may have


Sent: 2/1/2003 11:18 PM

I had originally thought I would be staying in Denver instead of out here in the sticks of the Rocky Mountains.  Out of the 7 or 8 RV parks I found that were open during the winter for long term, 5 of them had age restrictions..  When I asked one for a reason why I was told.. and I quote.."We don't want to start looking like a trailer park".  It was all I could do to politely keep my mouth shut on that one. 

I would encourage you to go ahead and shack up somewhere for awhile in your rig.  It'll never match to the comfort and space of home, but, it's a fairly neat experience.  Not to mention, it's really the only way to find all those little annoying things on your rig that need attention.  Will make to a much more enjoyable experience on later trips.

Good luck.


Sent: 2/1/2003 11:51 PM


You know before I found this group, I was already to go sell my Winnie and buy a new one. But you all have given me new pride. Let's see, Maybe we need to get Jessie Jackson involved. After all we are being discriminated against .

I still say if you have Classic tag on it . They have to treat you with respect. The older I get, I try to wear shirts that say I am a classic. (that's a joke)

What else can you try. how about when you call ahead and make reservations on your credit card. and they ask you what year your rig is. Make a little mistake. And when you show up, I bet they don't turn you away. I guess I didn't realize they went on. But now that I think of it I have had a couple of comments , bout "older rigs" . I usually shut them up by taking them inside and they see how I have it fixed up. 1978 on the outside, 2000 on the inside. Hey Jeff, if you get too cold, you can come down and warm your feet at our house. You never did say where you are staying. WinnieNMe
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


Sent: 2/2/2003 10:51 AM

I?m glad to see that I?m not the only one that has been discriminated; I have to admit that there is no respect for the pioneers of RVing, the ones who started all.

RV and camping are equal, same methods of preparation and it censes of adventure and yet I?ve never been told that my tent is too old or we don?t want to become a homeless camp.

Where?s the fun of going camping and/or RVing if there are not options for us the average campers?

After all we are the ones who started it all, before Diesel Pushers all it was, was Winnebago!


Sent: 4/8/2007 4:25 PM

dear cw , the age of rig is not just a Calif . thing . i have ben refused entrance to several campgrounds here in the D/FW area. one being a low class one, having rigs in worse shape than mine.  Rusty Escott
Rusty Escott


Sent: 4/8/2007 4:48 PM

Did they give you a reason? Or was it just the 10 year rule?


Sent: 4/9/2007 4:38 PM

I have only had that happen once. I pulled into an RV park in Memphis,Tn. (A K.O.A. campground) to spend the night, and was told that no RV's over 10yrs. old were allowed into the park.  I looked behind the office at the Managers camper and asked "Is that your rig?" He proudly said it was, I then said "Hmmm, is that an '85 Allegro? How'd you manage to get them to let you keep "That Old Thing" in here with the 10yr. rule? I'd think they'd make you set a good example, I wonder if your corporate office is aware of it."

He let me in & didn't say another word. Not even when I checked out the next morning.
I reserve the right to reject your reality and substitute my own...


Sent: 4/9/2007 9:10 PM

why do some campgrounds have that rule, i would think it would not matter, it still pays the same to rent to a person with a new rv, vs an older rv.


Sent: 4/10/2007 1:42 PM

We should all know the campground name and location so we don't accidentally give them any of our money.


Sent: 4/11/2007 12:04 AM

Haven't run into RV age discrimination here in PA yet but, it exists with mobile homes so, I'd bet it happens with RVs too.
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


Sent: 4/12/2007 9:20 AM

I've run into the age restrictions a couple of times in Connecticut, and again a couple of times in Florida....to which I say, if we ever get a newer rig (not something I want to do, but who knows?) I will make a point of always boycotting these rotten b-stardoos and their snobby ways!

Kev and Patti, the furry kids, our 1981 Ford F-100 Custom tow vehicle, and our 1995 Itasca Suncruiser Diesel Pusher.


Sent: 4/12/2007 10:03 AM

I think you are all looking at it wrong. If you had just spent $100K to $1M for a new motor home you would have to park it some ware. You can't afford to put gas in it.   Since we all have older motor homes how far can you go on the difference between what you paid for your RV and the $100k + that the other guy spent?   If you look at it as the glass is half full then the campground owners are just helping these people out in there time of need.

I say let's take the price difference between our RV's and those other guys and go out and see this great country of ours.

Also I would be in a favor of a state by state list so no one wastes time getting turned away and we can spread the news about these bad campgrounds. So Let's spread the news.

Can we put a section open to all (members and non-members) on this web site called "THE CAMPGROUNDS OF SHAME" ?

Oh well I will shut up and go back to eating lunch.

Happy travels, dave


Sent: 4/12/2007 11:10 AM

I've never been turned away. But then again, I've never tried to stop just anywhere for a night because I had to.

Call and ask the campground. If they don't want me or my business, then they eventually won't have any business.

I've never seen a "family" campground turn away a customer.... places like your average KOA, Jellystone etc... although I wouldn't be surprised if there's a KOA or two out there that discriminates based on age..  Why? and Who started this stupid idea in the first place?

So... let's see.. if you had a 1996 Minnie Winnie and went somewhere pricey in CA.... they're going to turn you away? (uh.. the minnie winnie looks exactly the same from 1995-2005, with only a slight change in 06 and 07) So... What's up with that? And, you don't think they'd really turn away a 95 minnie, do you?

I want to see them Turn away a 1989 Chieftain... and the upper middle class family riding in it. These people are simply discriminating against they assume is the "Class" of their customers or patrons. I have a 34 yer old Winnie.... because we LIKE it. Anybody who knows me knows I could have afforded some $70,000 Adventurer if I wanted one, but I don't like the newer ones...not enough work to do to make them fun! I like my little old Brave.

If you can, ask before you pull up... call and make advance reservations... be up front with them and tell them the condition of the systems on board. No park wants a leaky black tank, or a rig that leaks more than a quart of oil a night from the poor overall condition of the engine or drive train. That I do understand... you don't want the beautiful outdoors destroyed either...

The purpose of camping, or vacationing in a motorhome, tent or Travel trailer is to have fun. How much fun could possibly be at a campground that only allows new rigs.... I guess that's ok if you want to play bridge, or shuffleboard with a bunch of  retired people in depends... you know the type... they get the campground to dump the tanks because they don't know how to do it... and spend the whole time walking some pathetically half dead old poodle so he doesn't pee in the $200K rig.... and then they get in the car (that they can't get off the tow bar without help) and run to the nearest restaurant for dinner (because they can't cook... it might de-value the rig if it smelled like you actually cooked in it.)Then they go to bed at 9pm... never mind setting up the 30 foot awning and putting out some chairs....and maybe light a fire....or eat at a picnic table?

The moral here is "You think that's a Campground?" No... its not. It's a glorified deed restricted parking lot.

Most of these folks would be just as happy at a Wal*Mart parking lot. Leave the real camping to real Campers.

I put a lot of thought into this post. and deleted several versions before I posted this one. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but if the shoe fits.... you wouldn't here on CW, would you?! Nonetheless, I think we should blacklist rig-age restricted parks. Maybe it'll make a difference....

Imagine this:
"Hi, I'm "so and so" from Classic Winnebagos... I need a spot for the night... oh..I see you discriminate against older motorhomes? well then I'll be sure you're blacklisted to our members. Did I mention we're partnered with or I'm a member of (mention a few other camping groups.)? " Then see how fast their story changes, or ask them if you can speak to the owner or general manager...usually the manager will make an exception, or tell the clerk off...

I'll bet that they are offended when their own policy costs them money, especially if it's just for one day or a week even. And Lefty is totally right here.... the help is almost always staying at the campground in some rig that is 15 or more years old, and usually quite decrepit too.

So then... how many age restricted campgrounds are there going to be on the blacklist? We should probably send the completed list to these campgrounds too, just so they know how much revenue their discriminatory policy is costing them in business. A lot of them won't give a rats butt, but if just a few really do change their policy to accept old rigs in good condition, at least we'll have accomplished something.

Don't discriminate against me because my rig is old. Discriminate against me because my kids are noisy, or I'm bald, or Italian or my feet smell.... that I can get over. Not my rig. I've never seen anybody who didn't like Smurfy, or at least think it was neat and well cared for.

Remembering My 72 D20RG Brave "Smurfbago" The old girl never let me down, and she's still on the road today. quick! get out the Camera... I spotted another junkyard full of Winnies...


Sent: 4/13/2007 12:10 AM

I have lived here in Ft worth all of my life and have had a "classic" since 2003 and have never had that happen to me. We have stayed at some pretty nice places all over the US and they have asked us what year it is, But have never not let us stay there.  Rob


Sent: 4/13/2007 3:15 PM

Here in far south Texas there are posh RV 'resort' places where most of the RVs are late model Diesel Pushers, or 5th wheels over 30 ft long with 3 or 4 slide outs. The vehicles parked beside the RVs are shiny late model SUVs and pickup trucks, with steps to help the white haired owners climb into them. Lots of Canadian license plates. I only find out about these 'parks' when they open their 'gate' for the annual winter flea-market sale.
Then there are RV campgrounds where there are old tattered trailers, truck campers (on blocks, not on the pickup) and motorhomes with tires sunk into the sand, and screen rooms built onto them. In such places the cars parked beside the RV might have expired tags, or no tags at all (& the vehicle might be up on blocks.) When you drive into one of these places (if there was a gate it would be open) the dogs will bark at you and the kids will stop playing soccer to make sure their smaller siblings don't run in front of your car. The women will look out the door, to check on the kids, and to see if you are one of "las migras", from the I&NS.
And of course there is everything in between. I don't know if the 'resort' places would ever consider letting us stay there over a winter, but they always have waiting lists anyway, and probably don't allow children.