making your own gasket with a ball peen hammer- Axle half shaft flange seal

Started by RockwoodMike, April 13, 2024, 08:16 PM

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You can go down to the Auto parts store and buy them easy..

Every RV owner should have gasket material on hand..That is a given for us..
Here is my creation of a gasket..

Pic 1...Paper and 1 nut threaded on one stud..Leave the nut about 1-2 threads above the stud threads..Set the paper on top of everything..Be sure it is over size and centered..

Pic 2..With the slightest tap the ball will cut the paper..First stud opening made..

Pic 3..Lift and rotate the paper 180 degrees and place the hole over a stud with out the nut and push it down about 1-2 threads deep..You can press your thumb into the nut creating a dimple in the paper..Using you thumb and fore finger, hold the paper down on the adjacent studs to hold in place..

Make the next hole with the ball peen hammer..

Pic 4..Now you have 2 holes to secure the position of the holes. Work around the 8 holes one at a time..

The best mechanic is the one that can make it run with the least amount of parts!


Pic 5..Slide the paper down all the way to the flange base..Carefully as the holes will be tight and you don't want to tear the paper..

Pic 6..Cut some slots in the center with a razor blade..

Pic 7..Ball peen again..VERY LIGHTLY tap the edge of the hub housing..Take your time..It will begin to cut the exact shape of the housing..

Pic 8..Same thing on the outside but you can use the flat part of the hammer..Just taping the edge a little at a time..It will cut the paper very easily
The best mechanic is the one that can make it run with the least amount of parts!


Both gaskets made and ready..
The best mechanic is the one that can make it run with the least amount of parts!
