roof leaks

Started by justdon57, November 02, 2013, 10:37 AM

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Can anyone tell me why after a rain here this morning my roof leaks when there were no leaks since I bought it in July? guess it is time to seal and coat the roof!

Mr. T

When your home was built, it was allotted a certain number of leaks.  Manufactures will not release the number, so you don't know if you are at the beginning of the allotted leaks, in the middle, or near the end.  Last night's leak was just coincidence.

Coat your home with gallons of sealant, tar, silicone, whatever, but you will still have to work through the leak allotment.

I am in the process of sealing my roof.  No leaks there.  I just want it to be pretty in case company wants to see my roof.

Did you know that most roof leaks can be contributed to marker lights leaking?  Something to think about.