'Blinker Switch' on Instrument Panel

Started by 77Brave, July 11, 2009, 10:16 AM

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Hi Everybody,

Am new here and trying to get a recently purchased 1977 Brave back on the road: in safe and proper working order of course! All the gauges on the dash seem to be working but there is one toggle switch I am curious about. Does anybody know what the 'Blinker off/on Switch' does? I hope it's not something totally obvious that I'm missing! Thanks for any help you could offer and am hoping to be able to contribute more information then I ask for in the future...


i would asume its like the hazard light switch all your hazard lights flash as you as in the usa as i am i would now call them turn signals

arberg0  :)ThmbUp
If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
George Carlin (1937 - 2008)

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." --Thomas Jefferson


Is it a switch that has blink on it?  If you search for "blink" with the search button on the home  forum help search... line you can find info on a blink switch,   Les.


Well I'll be...! I used the search feature but not in the 'Home' page but from the 'Chasis/Dodge' section. Sweet, now I know the answer but not sure if the 'Blink Switch' works like they're supposed to. However, I can't see my Brave being able to passing anybody in order to blink the rear running lights in thanks for flashing me to let me know I've cleared them and can return from the passing lane back into the right-side travel lane!


Hey, I checked out my 'Blink' Switch. The darn thing still works...! Seems like it stays in the 'on' position and you can switch it to 'off' to make all the running lights blink off. It springs back to 'on' on it's own. Too cool...! Thanks for all the help with this one.  :)ThmbUp