Axle to Body U-bolt Warning

Started by Arberg0, November 29, 2008, 07:49 AM

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From: PrimeJlh  (Original Message) Sent: 3/8/2005 10:08 PM
Bought an 89 Superchief last year, 50,000 miles not used a lot in the last 5 years.  When I had the rear brakes worked on, the mechanic accidently reached up where the U-Bolts (4 of them) connect the frame to the rear axle.  Two of them (on the left) were completely rusted through and broken in half , and the other two were badly corroded, with little life left in them.  A pot hole could well have severed the remaining bolts, causing the whole rear axle system to separate from the frame and be left in the road behind you.  On your next servicing, HAVE THEM CHECKED OUT.  The repair is very moderate in cost, but a life and/or unit saver. 

From: mightybooboo Sent: 3/8/2005 11:38 PM
ok,will check mine


From: cooneytunes Sent: 3/10/2005 6:41 PM
Good tip, a simple & cheap part, but a might important one.....that could cost big bucks if it fails very easy to overlook...Thanks for the reminder.....


From: Enigma960080 Sent: 3/10/2005 9:22 PM
Prime,  what area of the country  are you in?
I recently  bought an 89 SuperChief also. 
Was  your unit in snow country where corrosives are used to melt the ice?
<heading outside right now  with 2 million candlepower spotlight> 

From: PrimeJlh Sent: 3/20/2005 6:17 PM
Prime is in the beautiful city of Cleveland, Ohio, the same city where my seller lives after purchasing the unit new in 1989.  Bought it for about 4G, and have put another 10G into her, mechanically and domestically.  Our street tenders spread much salt, and now the slush with salt, on the roads.  I am sure that this contributed to the problem.  Still am confused why four of the bolts would have rusted so badly.  However, we have put 12,000 on her in the last year and enjoyed it all the way.                       Thanks for the response, Jim Hamilton

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