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Description: There are many types of roof coatings to choose from. My advice, don't get the cheap, silver stuff. You'll have to scrape it off and re-do it every year. Kool Seal Elastomeric is excellent, not too pricey ( about the same as a good can of paint) and readily available at Lowe's or other major home improvement center. An application 0f 6 - 8 coats should last anywhere from 3 - 6 years and if you check your roof regularly, like the conciencious classic RVer you are, at the first signs of checking in the coating, just add a couple more coats. You'll be good to go for at least another 2 years. Using a brush, apply 3 to 4 coats around your roof fixtures and areas that would be hard to work a roller around. Application with a brush is thicker so you don't need as many coats and by the time you've finished your first coating, the areas you started at will already be dry so you can just keep going. Picture Stats: Views: 7251 Filesize: 30.9kB Height: 338 Width: 450 Keywords: roof re-seal repair leak Posted by: Oz at July 13, 2009, 07:34 PM Image Linking Codes