06 Stripes in progress

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Description: If I were to do this again, I would have done the major body area first and then the stripes, but I just couldn't stand looking at those horrible green things any longer and I wanted to see how my new Toreadore Red and Emerald Green stripes would look.
To prep the surface of the entire rig, I washed it thoroughly and light sanded the entire body, by hand, with 500 grit emery, then washed it again.  I used NO primer whatsoever, just regular Rustoleum white for the main body and canned spray enamel for the stripes.  I would recommend using primer under the stripes if you don't use Rustoleum for them as well.  I used a paint brush to go around the trim and a roller to do the main areas.
It took a little less than 4 days, working on it from sun-up to sun-down to complete.  Five years later, the paint is in perfect shape.
Read THIS excellent discusson for more exterior repainting options!

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Posted by: Oz at February 10, 2010, 08:28 PM

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Comments (2)

May 14, 2017, 12:08 PM
Yes, I used a roller.  Just a very little bit of thinner will help give a smoother finish.  Still, you can't tell the difference from just 5' away.
Winnebago Warrior 94
May 03, 2017, 12:10 PM
did you do the rustoleum foam roller method ..if you did it turned out great ..I plan on doing the roller method for mine ..and I plan on doing spray paint for the declas that are faded ..I see where you use the foam roller now ..I plan on using  the brush around my decals too

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