Technical ways to improve gas mileage: TBI, EFI, Water Injection, etc.

Started by MSN Member, March 05, 2010, 11:57 AM

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You can bet I'm watchin' this close. As well as other threads and forums regarding the topic.

And my bet will be that your mileage jus isn't gonna be better than that 7-8mpg avg., that everyone sees when pushin a typical 6-7ton RV box with a 440 engine block base. Put that exact same engine in a Roadrunner, with the same trans and rear end gears,... and ya might see a tire-burner at near 20mpg!!! lol!

Surely if I put the 440 into the 34' Cruise Air, I would likely see a bit less mpg than the 20' Brave,... probably 6-7mpg. Pushin 7+ton with much more rolling resistance, is gonna affect mpg!!! It might struggle on any hills and be a bit slower leavin' the stop light. I really don't expect any better mpg from the comparable 460 Ford that's in it now. And I don't expect hills or stop and go to be any greater issue either. But I'm hoping that the HUGELY sloping front face of the Cruise Air reduces frontal resistance jus enough at highway speeds, and jus MAYBE get that typical 7-8mpg overall mileage. I'd be VERY happy.
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