Wondering about installing a washer and dryer in my winnie

Started by mr81chieftain, October 23, 2014, 06:19 PM

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Me and the wife have been living in our rv and the only thing that would really enhance our quality of life is having the ability
to have fresh ,clean clothes .....has anyone ever thought about this and how much trouble would it be and if anyone has actually ever done it ...... we were thinking of using an apartment size washer and dryer (i.e. stacked) ..... any pointers would be awesome.....


We call our coach "Charlie Brown"


I would definitely look into an RV Washer Dryer and not a residential.

like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dometic-WDCVLW-RV-Ventless-Washing-Machine-Dryer-Combo-Washer-Dryer-/111383109202?pt=Motors_RV_Trailer_Camper_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19eef35e52&vxp=mtr

There are tons of warning signs in the manual - do not to drive a household washer front loader standing upright. The bearings are not made for this.
You will probably kill it.

It's possible, you need power and hot water and a place where to put it. We don't have the space. Maybe if we would get rid of our wardrobe.

Poor mans solution:
Laundry and detergent in a half filled bucket with hot water  - goes into the shower tub while going down the road.
After the ride just rinse the whole stuff and let it dry on a rod in the shower.

Just found something:



I've had a Splendide  Ventless on a boat and found it to be very inefficient. Uses a lot of power - to the point I wouldn't use it while boondocking - gunk holing on a boat - takes a lot of time for the drying cycle, drying cycle still requires clothes to hang to finish drying, high initial cost, additional space/plumbing required, and usually would drain into your grey water tank which we all know are small.
A few years ago I spent some time in Qatar in the Middle East visiting a friend who was teaching at a University there. She had U supplied (high end) housing supplied, and the standard in suite laundry was an LG unit, almost identical to Splendide's and very common there.
Same issues and complaints from her and all other western professors  I talked to.
If you are considering spending this kind of money, I would suggest you do your due diligence.
Of course, as with any purchase, it depends on how, when, where, power supply, and your needs and expectations.

A possible alternative for washing clothes may be the below, courtesy of Frederic (Stripe) some time ago:


Additionally, if you haven't yet, you may want to read John Steinbeck's "Travels With Charley".
I copied his idea many years ago while travelling in a Hippy school bus with my exwife and my daughter, beginning when my daughter was approx. 3 months old and going until she was 3 years. Worked great for us.
Also an enjoyable read of a man, his dog (Charley) and a truck and camper travelling America for enjoyment before it became popular.

Sorry for the length, hope it helps, and as always my opinion only.

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are - it is our choices.
Albus Dumbledore


We love our Splendide.  I had to build a whole new cabinet to house it, run electrical wiring to run it, and plumbing and drainage (the drainage was the biggest challenge).  And chose an externally vented setup since ventless really is inefficient, as we found out on our first rig, The Ark.  It was an extreme challenge, but it can be done, we did it and love it.  Its installation thread and pictures are buried somewhere on here.

Kev and Patti, the furry kids, our 1981 Ford F-100 Custom tow vehicle, and our 1995 Itasca Suncruiser Diesel Pusher.


We call our coach "Charlie Brown"