New member impressed with this site

Started by K/C and Pups, July 10, 2016, 10:09 AM

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K/C and Pups

Hello to all. Charlie here from Arizona, and I can say with a sigh of relief that this idea can be placed solely on the wife, Karen. We have spent the last couple of years traveling to visit the kids and relatives, separately, due to our 3 puppies. She would fly, and I would drive. Her idea of a motorhome big enough for all. made sense to me, and I needed a new hobby.
Just a quick note: For those selling your RV's that state never been smoked in, and never had pets inside, please remove the pictures with the dog in the bed in back, even though he appears to be hidden, and the photo was cute.
The first few we looked at, within our budget, were too small, and then we met Fred, the RV dealer. I called him about a motorhome, but when we arrived, he said he could not find the keys to that RV. Instead, he brought out a 33' 1997 HR diesel pusher, and said he was selling it for an elderly couple that he knew well, and the non negotiable price of $33,000, was a favor to them. After we left fast freddie, I knew we did need something in that size range, but the price left no room for a major mechanical issue.
So here we are with a 33' 1987 Imperial, and the fun begins. I get up every morning and go to this site, to see what new posts reflect my current situation, or, one I did not anticipate. My appreciation to those who started this site, and to the many contributors who on a daily basis answer my questions, thoroughly.
I spent 37 years as an Ironworker, and have solved most problems with a bigger hammer. Obviously that will not work. I have built, sailed, and raced small boats, so dumping money into that endless hole will not be new. What is new, is the mass of wires that appear to go nowhere. Everything works, but darned if I know how. I plan on spending the next year, or more, bringing it back to life, and with your help, it will travel again.
With much appreciation,
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. ~Bertrand Russell

M & J

Welcome Charlie and thank you for the kind words.
M & J


You don't know about how those wires work? They are filled with magic smoke and if you let the magic smoke out then they do not work anymore. :D :)rotflmao
Funny as that sounds it is not too far from reality Hm? .  Welcome to the site.