Replacement Alternator external regulator - Fixed exhaust leak

Started by tarifachris, September 19, 2017, 11:35 PM

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Just came back from my 3000 miles summer trip and just want to share what I had to fix in the last 3 month...

The exhaust leak from the header to the exhaust pipe was a mystery... There where no gaskets inside and somehow
the angle changed from the exhaust pipe and this developed a gap... I just unscrewed the nuts - put red heat resistant
gasketmaker inside and tightened the nuts again. So far after 1300 miles no leaks.

My external voltage regulator didn't work... the lestek alternator still worked, but the output on the poles was only 13.7 volts.

I found a second hand Penntex voltage regulator on ebay for 70 usd and it works like a charm - 14.5 volts on the alternator double outlet